Buying in Bulk is a great way to save money and stock up your freezer for several months!
Pay a deposit now to secure your meat for the upcoming harvest.
Pay your balance and pick up your meat at Greenleaf Meats in Greenleaf, Idaho. All orders MUST be picked up. Delivery is NOT an option.
SOLD OUT Until March 2025
SOLD OUT Until March 2025
$8.75/lb for packaged beef
Total Cost Appox. $787
Appox. 90 lbs of beef
$8.50/lb for packaged beef
Total Cost Appox. $1530
Appox. 180 lbs of beef
$7.95/lb for packaged beef
Total Cost Appox. $2860
Appox. 360 lbs of beef
SOLD OUT Until March 2025
SOLD OUT until March 2025
$12.50/lb For Finished Lamb
Total Cost Appox. $250
Appox. 20 lbs of Lamb
$12.25/lb For Finished Lamb
Total Cost Appox. $490
Appox. 40 lbs of Lamb
Ordering bulk is a great way to save money. Here are 3 keys to ordering in bulk:
Beef Minimum 100 lbs | Pork Minimum 100 lbs | Lamb Minimum 20 lbs
This is where the biggest price savings comes from!
In season with our production and when animals are most ready for harvest.
Yes! Make sure you are on our email list to keep updated about our bulk sales! We are now harvesting on a monthly basis, so if you miss one ordering period another one is not too far off.
It will depend on your cut order but here are some of the basic cuts you can order:
Here's the basic measurements for freezer space:
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